Guys, for the sake of your health, check in on the men in your life. Lean into the camaraderie you have in your community. And if you don’t have it, be brave and do the work to go get them. At least making male friendship connections should be a little less hard than dating.
What does it mean to be a man? In his own particular way, Mr. Rogers represented traits that traditionally masculine men pride themselves in - power, strength, confidence, and success. And his tactics are just what the modern man needs to maneuver personal relationships in the 21st century.
Brad Gage talks to Dr. Caroline Heldman on the Real Feels podcast about her new book "The Sexy Lie" - based off her viral TED Talk - where she breaks down the lies of self-objectification in social media and beyond.
Dustin Milligan is a man very in touch with his masculinity, and if you caught him recently as one of the winners on RuPaul’s Celebrity Drag Race - you’d see he’s clearly in touch with his femininity just as much. You might know Dustin from TV shows like #SchittsCreek or Silicon Valley, but the guy I know above all is one who genuinely looks at the impact his life is making...and a dude who is just filled to the brim with puns.
What makes a guy a "creep"? And how can you make sure women aren't calling you one? While creepiness is subjective, it is the number one description to stay away from in dating or your social life. Being called a creep is one of the worst things for your reputation. Brad Gage takes time to figure out what are the traits of a “creep”, some actual examples of creepiness to give context, and some ideas on how to not become one.
I think a lot of guys feel the exact same way as me. So why don't they talk about it openly? Because the patriarchy and modern masculinity tell us that if we do, we're breaking the bro code and we are the worst thing imaginable - feminine. But it's not gendered to feel emotions, it's human.
Joe Rogan has one major blindspot - his own toxic masculinity. While his open-mindedness on politics, relationships, drugs, hunting, and other social subjects is part of why he's amassed millions of subscribers, Rogan rejects the idea that men are conditioned in a way that is harmful to women and themselves. Brad Gage looks at the Joe Rogan Experience podcast as a whole, showing why Rogan would be even more successful if he embraced his emotional, empathetic, and cooperative side.
Brad talks to Michael Le (aka "Dr. Silk"), a men's coach, about how empathy is pretty much the most important thing in talking to women. Michael explains MGTOW (men going their own way), Andrew Tate's philosophy, and how active listening is a helpful aspect for engaging with women, or anybody, successfully.
Shaun Brown (actor in The Great Indoors and Dahmer) and Brad are old friends. They've worked together, drank together, and lived together. Today, they spent some time together talking about the important stuff - the brutality of the animal kingdom as seen through instagram videos, true love, and the challenge of being a sensitive black man in the modern age.
What should come after the #MeToo era? Restorative Justice is a process that hands the power to the victim after harm is done, while still working in collaboration with the person who did the harm. This way all those involved can release some of the shame, anger, or secrecy surrounding the incident. Because sometimes victims need something more than what Law and Order can provide.
Pickup Artists might seem old, corny, and pretty ridiculous to most people, but since their mid-2000’s rise in popularity, the philosophy of THE GAME has influenced a generation of young men to manipulate their way to sex. With pickup gurus like Ross Jeffries, Neil Strauss, and Mystery teaching men for decades how to cut the female experience out of dating, they've made a lasting influence on the minds of modern single guys.
Desire is an essential part of being a man, but what happens when men confuse infatuation, obsession, or persistence for “romantic desire”? Sometimes boundaries of consent are crossed in the name of the masculine ideals of "winning is everything" and "not taking no for an answer". Men are frequently taught that their version of romance is about conquest, taking what they want, and establishing themselves as dominant, but it's not working out anymore.
This is a story about a group of the most traditionally masculine men possible - convicts, felons, and murderers - talking about feminism. Brad was inspired by the documentary "The Feminist on Cell Block Y" about a program that helps teach prisoners about toxic masculinity, patriarchy, and how they can reach their personal goals in healthier ways. The film is a testament to rehabilitation, education, and how love within a community can heal the wounds we have within ourselves.